This is for YOU!
The primary health care system where I live and work (Ontario) is in one of the worst states that we’ve seen in decades…family physicians as a group are beyond disgruntled, disillusioned, burnt out, morally injured…millions of patients are without a family physician…the system continues to prioritize downstream disease detection over upstream health promotion…the interest in family medicine among graduating medical students is at a new low…on the surface, it is a very discouraging state of affairs.
And yet, I have never felt so fulfilled, impactful and resilient in my career as a community family physician and in my life in general.
How is that even possible you might be asking?
In short, I have learned how to harness the power of my thoughts and beliefs, my feelings and my actions to achieve the results I desire and create a life by Design, not default.
Over the past 5+ years, it became my personal mission to regain my agency in determining the trajectory of my life and career and my internal experience of it.
I have invested thousands of hours, significant amounts of money and precious energy to work with incredible coaches and mentors to teach me How. I became relentless in seeking out content, courses, podcasts and communities that helped me refine my skills in this area.
Now ask yourself:
- Are you feeling depleted (emotionally and physically) and disillusioned with your career in medicine?
- Detached and lacking a sense of meaningful impact and accomplishment?
-Contemplating if it's even sustainable to continue practicing the way you are now?
-Perhaps even looking around for an exit strategy from medicine?
Here's what I can help with:
- Get to a place of mental and emotional resilience with a fulfilling and impactful medical career, designed on your own terms
- Guide you achieve these results in significantly less time, with less money and effort
Let's set up a chat and let me learn a little more about you. The one thing I can tell you with certainty that in some capacity, I've felt everything you're feeling and conquered it!